WCA審核清單2016(最新) Please prepare the ORIGINAL documentation listed below for verification and sample photocopying. 請準備以下文件 正本供核查及復印。謝謝!
All the following documents, unless the context of the document otherwise requires, the singular includes the plural and vice versa.
1. Payroll records (Recent 12 months) 工資表 (過去十二個月)
※ Payroll register with employee signature (if wages paid in cash) 有員工簽名工資表(如工資以現金支付)
※ Bank statement corresponding to payroll register (if wages paid by bank deposit) 相對應工資表的銀行存款 證明(如以銀行存款支付工資)
2. Time card/ Attendance records (Recent 12 months) 工卡或考勤記錄 (過去十二個月)
3. Production records (tickets/ sheet) (Recent 12 months) (if applicable) 生產記錄 (過去十二個月) (如適用)
4. Personnel records 人事花名冊及員工個人檔案
5. Young worker registration and health examination (if applicable) 未成年工體檢及勞動局登記記錄
6. Employment/ Labor contracts 勞動合同
7. Agency workers agreement (if any) 中介工人協議(如適用)
8. Foreign employees work permits and approval letter from government (if applicable) 外籍員工 (如適用) 許可證和 政府批文
9. Collective bargaining agreements (if any) 集體談判協議 (如適用)
10. Employees social Insurance receipt, names list and certificate of social insurance 社會保險收據,名單和社會保險 憑證
11. Business Registration/ License 工商營業執照
12. Fire safety inspection or certificates for facility/ dormitory buildings 消防檢查報告或合格證明文件
13. Fire drill records 消防演習記錄、急救演習/緊急疏散計劃
14. Facility regulation or employee handbook, in regard to the following areas: 廠規或員工手冊,
包括以下幾個方面: ※ Recruitment policy 招聘政策
※ Disciplinary procedure 紀律處分程序
15. Local minimum wage standard (if any) and/ or Government Labor Law notice (if any) 政府有關當地最低工資規定 文件/政府的勞動法的通知 (如適用)
16. Special appliance certificates such as certificate for elevator, boiler 特種設備認證證書如電梯,鍋爐
17. Permits for special appliance operations such as lift operator, electrician, and boiler 特種工人上崗證(如:電梯工鍋 爐工上崗證, 電工, 鍋爐許可證等)
18. Canteen or eating facilities hygiene certificate, cook/ kitchen staff health certificates 廚房衛生許可證, 廚工衛生許 可證
19. Facility building layout/ evacuation plan 廠房平面圖
20. Special waivers from local government regarding working hours arrangement (if applicable) 從當地政府就工作時 間的特殊批文 (如適用)
21. Health & Safety program and training records 健康與安全計劃及培訓記錄
22. Work-related accidents/ injury records 工傷事故記錄及工傷記錄等
23. Environmental certificates (if applicable) 環保證書(如適用)
24. Any written policy or process that governs company and employee business practices. e.g. business integrity & anti-corruption, fair competition (optional if Business Practice module is applicable in the assessment) and data protection (optional if Business Practice module is applicable in the assessment) including (but not limited) to thefollowing:任何書面政策或程序去規范公司和員工的商業道德規范。例如誠信經營,反腐敗,公平競爭 (如商業道德規范是適用于評估),資料保護(如商業道德規范是適用于評估)包括(但不限于)以下內容:
※ Job Description (JD) of the assigned responsible managers for the management of Bribery at the facility. 指定負責處理賄賂的管理人員的崗位描述
※ Written ethical/integrity training records 書面的道德/誠信培訓記錄
※ Written bribery policy and what are included. For instance, objective, commitment, definitions of company policy on giving and receiving of gifts, procedure, work instruction, how the policy is externally available. 書面賄賂政策和包括什么內容。例如, 目標,承諾給予和接受禮品,程序,工作指引,政策是如何外部使用。
※ Procedures for attempted bribery 企圖賄賂程序
※ Procedure on how employees are protected from retaliation. 如何保護員工免遭報復的程序。
※ Internal/ external audit reports regarding ethics/ integrity 關于誠信道德內部/外部審計報告。
※ Employees declaration on conflict of interests 員工申報利益沖突
25. Other documents, subject to actual circumstances during the audit and in that specific regions facility is located 其他文件,根據工廠位于特定區域的實際情況
26. Other Local Specific Documents (if applicable), please specify: 其他地方的文件(如適用),請注明
NB The above are suggested general documents which would be requested for review during assessment, auditors have the right to request to review other documents not included in the above list, if auditors have reasonable grounds to believe other unlisted documents are related to the assessment.
注:以上是 WCA 審計要求的一般文件,如果審計人員有合理理由相信其他文件與 WCA 審計有密切關系,審計 人員有權要求查閱其他不在上述清單內的文件。